Monday, April 04, 2011

Crabgrass Control

Crabgrass applications should be made now.  The first application of crabgrass control needs to be applied by the middle of April.  This is an attempt to get the early germinating seeds and to have the product in place prior to the peak germination period which occurs during the middle of May til June.  In a normal year one application of a pre-emergence herbicide is all that is required.  However in a year like last year a second application of pre-emergence was needed along with a follow up post emergence application.  Crabgrass is a much bigger issue in lawns that are thin or have a low plant population.  Keeping your lawn in good vigor is very important but in some years easier said than done.  Weed Control Recommendations for Kentucky Bluegrass and Tall Fescue Lawns

Pre-Emergence Control of Annual Weed Grasses:  Crabgrass, Foxtail, and Goosegrass

benefin + trifluralin (Team)
bensulide (Betasan, PreSan, Lescosan)
oxadiazon (Ronstar)**
pendimethalin (Weedgrass Control, Pre-M, Halts, Pendulum)
dithiopyr (Dimension)
prodiamine (Barricade)
bensulide + oxadiazon (Goosegrass/Crabgrass Control)**