Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Community garden and Bardstown Farmer's Market

Here are a couple of items of business that may interest some of you. 
  1. The Bardstown Farmers Market is now accepting applications for the 2010 campaign.  You can get the new rules and the application from my home page for the Farmers Market at this link
  2. The Nazareth Community gardens will be in operation again this year sign ups will begin on Monday March 29th.  Please call the Nelson County extension office for details and to sign up. The number is 348-9204 or you can email me at
Spring has sprung and I have the fever.  I spent the weekend spreading mulch and pruning trees in the yard.  This is the ideal time to spread mulch as it is before the mowing and planting rush and somewhat before the rush of plant growth.  Spread only a couple of inches thick and don't volcano mulch your trees.  Pruning should concentrate on removing dead material and anything crossing and make proper pruning cuts.  Get outside this weekend and get busy.