Dr. John Strang from UK, has been working with these fruit crops for a number of years and provided me with his best of the best varieties for each of the following crops:
Mid - Toro, Bluecrop, Chandler
Later - Nelson, Darrow, Ozarkblue, Elliott
Blackberries: Thorny - Chickasaw & Kiowa
Thornless Erect - Natchez & Ouachita or Apache
Thornless semi erect - Triple Crown
Raspberries: - Black - Jewel
Red, June bearing - Lauren
Red, Fall bearing - Caroline, Autumn Britten
Purple - Royalty
We have some really thorough publications on the web that can really help you with the decision making. The Growing Blueberries in Kentucky is an excellent guide to blueberry production. Pay special attention to the preperation part of the publication because establishing blueberries is a bit tricky. Also you will want to take a look at the our Blackberries and Raspberry production publication.